Ron has a long history and broad, experience-building history as risk control professional including up to recently, leading the casualty and property risk control group of Marsh in EMEA.
Ron’s experiences include "Freelance" ships engineer with a wide range of international shipping companies: Risk engineer at the risk consultants department of Alexander & Alexander, and Risk and Health and Safety engineer with Gerling Allgemeine Versicherungs AG and account engineer with Royal and Sun Alliance Global Consulting.
Activities for property, business interruption and liability plus support for construction projects for clients are among Ron’s skills. He’s set up managed and monitored various international risk engineering contracts including: Senior consultant and account coordinator with Royal Sun Alliance Global Consulting. Responsible for the co-ordination risk engineering programs on property and liability for international clients.
As a European three-year member of the design and development team of a large U.S. retail organization with an highly protected risk (HPR) policy regarding safety he was responsible for support and review of the design and build of warehouses in Europe.
Ron has also been technical member of the risk management board of a large European Packaging company, responsible for the upgrade of the fire protection level at their European production sites.
Over the last years he has been temporary replacing risk managers in several companies.
He is currently servicing clients in various industries including paint, plastic, yacht building and tobacco, local as well as multinational. He further more works for a variety of real estate companies throughout Europe assisting them with asset risk management programs.
From 2000 until 2010 Ron was member of Working group C, the technical sprinkler committee of LPCB/NCP in the Netherlands.
Ron generously acts twice a year as a teacher at the NIA/TNO, Health and Safety engineering course.
• Dutch - Good
• English - Good
• German - Moderate
• Turkish - Moderate (verbal only)
• Member of NVVK, Dutch association of Health and Safety engineers
• Member of SFPE, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
• Member of NFPA, National Fire Protection Association
• Member of the BRE standing Panel of Experts
• Member of the UL European Fire Safety Council